Traveling Sauna Celebrates Finland’s First 100 Years
In celebration of Finland’s 100 years Prographics was part of the coast to coast “Traveling Sauna” tour producing and installing the decals for the truck and the signs on the trailer. Finnleo, the country’s leading manufacturer of home saunas, provided and built the sauna and trailer that toured the country demonstrating the history and health benefits of the sauna experience. If you haven’t experienced a genuine sauna you owe it to yourself to give it a try.
- Here are a few facts about the tour:
- 20,000 miles
- 35 states
- 70 stops with 102 days of events
- 150+ volunteers helping Sisu on the way
- 1,400 people taking the sauna
- 1,000 signatures in the Guest Book (presented to Ambassador Kauppi December 6)
- 20,000 people checking Sisu out, unknown number who saw Sisu at events or on the road.
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